How does seasonal change influence our bodies and minds?


I’ve already written a post about autumn depression 2 weeks ago and now I’m eager to talk about seasonal change’s impacts on humans. Concerning an autumn, some of us are able to notice an appealing beauty of rainy days and its aesthetic. Eventually, I’m not one of them… I like rain, but gloomy weather and cold affect me strongly. So, definitely I belong to people who suffer from changes of seasons and I would like to disclose some kinds of information about that issue.

In regard to a fall, as I’ve mentioned it firmly influences us and not only our mood, but our health too. Due to irregular temperature fluctuations, our immune system deteriorates and we are more likely to catch a cold or pick up the virus. On closer inspection it really takes time for our bodies to adjust to the season.

The same situation we have with winter, but it is much colder sometimes. Personally I’m in love with all those holiday spirits and celebratory moods. Moreover, I never feel devastated or depressed while our winter holidays, as we observe a tone of various decorations which people put on their houses and windows. It without a doubt cheers me up and helps gain New Year sentiment. I like to romanticize things and in winter it defo is easy. Another reason why I prefer winter is our university days-off that sometimes are really long. We have lots of time on hands and are allowed to accomplish many affairs. So, I consider that for lots of us winter is not the worst season, because it’s fabulous time and I won’t believe you if you say that’s not true.

The next season is spring. Maybe, I would even put it on the first place in my ‘top season rating’, for this one really makes me rejoice. For me it’s associated with flowers, love and flourishing. I can indeed say that it gives me power, strength and motivation to put all my efforts into studying and work, because the next season is summer and it means that soon I’ll have much time to unwind and take things easy. Thus, I’d call it the season of motivation and I believe that you’ll share my point of view.

The last season is summer. In my mind I correlate it with hot weather, a lot of sun, beaches and bikinis. Even though, I don’t relax so much in summer and try to do a lot in order to seize an opportunity to make me a better person, I also attempt to do all the possible so that to have a rest. I can assume that for some of us not having enough time to get away is something out of the ordinary, but for me from to time it’s absolutely hard to find free time and go out somewhere. But next summer I promise myself to make a good fist of having a nice vacation, as our lives are running and it’s essential not only to improve yourself but also to catch all the great moments that fate gives us.

NOW, I hope you’re enjoying reading :3

Much obliged for your time! See you 💗


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