
  Hi, everyone! Friends more or less play an important role in our lives. For someone they might be not so crucial, while for others mates really matter, they cannot image life without. Today’s post will follow the theme of friendship, as you might predict. The citation that I’ve selected is from C.S. Lewis’s book “The Four Loves”.   “Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself…” Whether you agree with this one or no, I don’t know now, but I’m eager to read your variations of answer in the comments, so, please, share with me, if you’re able. I’ll be glad. Having a person who can back you when you want, or may be close to you when it’s needed to have a shoulder to cry on. It’s definitely dazzling, right? The way the friendship emerges in interests me intensively from time to time, for it’s rather rare and exciting to find that certain person who shares your obsessions and upholds your thoughts. Pr...

Fears and Phobias

  I’m quite sure that each person has some kinds of phobias or fears. It might be fear of personal uncertainty, arachnophobia, or even dismay concerning falling your session. Nevertheless, I would like to wrap your head around it and let’s reveal the explanation of those two notions mentioned above. Fear – is a reaction to danger or something that can harm you. For me, it’s more connected with dread of your own, such as change, rejection or loneliness. And phobia is more profound and serious. You feel it even when there is no threat. I have got one phobia, but I’ll tell you about it a little bit later. So, hope now you see my point and we’ll move to causes of fears and phobias and solutions how to try to get rid of them. I discern that possibly, there are people who are afraid of nothing and if it is true, I’m certainly jealous and proud of them, for my phobia sometimes makes my life awful. Hence, my deepest fear is fear of mice. Scientifically it is called musophobia. The re...


  Hello, it’s me again and now please think about one thing that prevents your own success and self-development from growing. And… for my it’s my laziness. I’m such a coach potato when dealing with getting up and doing business. I’ve understood recently that I’m really lazy person, for I tend to postpone almost everything until it’s possible. Now, I’m wondering about reasons for that issue, because it definitely bothers me.   Few years ago, I was full of beans. I had lots of time to do something useful and at that time to unwind, to loosen up after a tough day. Why don’t I poses such productivity now? I guess, there are few reasons why you might feel like that too:    1)       You burnt out. Don’t take it seriously. Here I mean that you were so hard-working and unflagging that you forgot about taking a rest. So, now the result on the face: you want to do nothing at all. What’s the possible solution? Spend time with your close people, ...

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde.

  Today, I’ve decided to reveal my proper thoughts about one citation of one of the most famous authors – Oscar Wilde . Our personality is probably the most crucial thing, which we should keep and save whatever happens. Nowadays, sometimes it’s really hard not to be impacted by others and concentrate only on your personal beauty. Beauty here is both internal and external . Frequently, we look at other people’s appearances and start comparing it with your own. It harms our self-esteem and we start losing special features. Sometimes it might be ephemeral and then person realizes her or his identity. But very often it’s not so easy to cast aside. Thus, you have to do all the possible in order to sharpen your wits and improve your self-assessment. It’s quite feasible while you certainly want to achieve it. Person’s pristine nature is special and there in world is nobody with similar traits as you have. Moreover, Oscar Wilde says that all other roles are already held. Each of us h...


Nowadays, more and more patients who suffer merciless pains consider practicing euthanasia. There are lots of thoughts concerning this issue. Some people consider there are pros and cons, some support and some are certainly against.  What is my attitude to it? Genuinely, I’ve not been wondering this problem thoroughly. I just heard of it previously. But on second thought, I guess I’m more to accept the fact of existing of people who are desperate with their lives and want to die peacefully with no suffering. I’m not into judging others. It’s not mine at all, because I think each of us is a builder of their own life path and every person is rational enough to reach such decisions. Honestly, such way of dying in no time flat is definitely not a bad idea for people who are miserable and beyond hope due to their illness or endless strains. For me, person’s pain is worse than peaceful death, so my standpoint is evident and clear. The reason why they are decided on such giant step is co...

Does watching TV really harm us?

  Hello everyone!  Recently, I’ve recommended you watching one film. The name of it is ‘Purple Hearts’. P.S. if you’ve already managed to look through it, please give me feedback. I’d be sincerely grateful for it <3 And today while tidying up my house I was wondering about the topic of post which I’m going to develop this week.   So, as I’ve mentioned that movie above, you might guess that it’s connected with this field. And if you’re thinking about this, you’re definitely right because now I’d like to talk about influences on our mind when we watch some reality shows, soap operas and so on.  I want to start with the idea of becoming addicted to watching something all the time, so I know that’s possible and it really harms not only our health but also our minds. Thus, we have to throw caution to the wind and try to loosen up in that way. If you feel that you start to become reliant, please give it up and investigate the reasons if it’s possible. Another ...

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade Today I've got an inspiration to have a small talk about one known citation or it could also be an idiom, nevertheless I’m really eager to start. Firstly, I wanna wish you to enjoy your reading and let’s start. I shall begin with my own comprehension of that phrase. Personally, I associate ‘lemons’ with pain (physical or emotional, it doesn’t play a big role), difficulties (in various spheres of our life, f.e., finances, relationships with people and other tough situations) and even struggling with some certain problems (addiction, health issues, etc.). Thus, a quote offers us to make a lemonade when life grunts us with lemons. It has no direct meaning. Here, we should interpretate this one as to stay positive whatever happens to us and catch each opportunity which life throws to us. Even if you think that your behavior is inept, experience comes with time and each trouble makes us stronger. So, person’s life is an extremely brief and...